Agriculture-Related Questions

+ Some land in and along the existing corridor is actively farmed. How will you accommodate the needs of the agriculture community?

The New York Transco team has been working closely with farmers and agricultural interests since very early in the planning process to understand the agricultural activities taking place in and around the utility-owned corridor and, wherever possible, to incorporate their comments into our plans. If you have information to share about agriculture activities along the project route, please complete our survey or contact us at or toll-free at 1-855-433-3611. We understand the project construction may impact agricultural activities and we welcome all information now to try and incorporate it into our construction planning and schedule.

+ Will agriculture activities be allowed in the corridor once the upgrades are complete?

We do not intend to change existing land-use arrangements in the transmission corridor. However, this decision is ultimately the responsibility of the underlying landowner.

+ Will farmers receive compensation if they are unable to operate during construction?

The agriculture activity currently taking place on the utility-owned corridor is largely conducted under informal agreements between the farmers and the utilities. New York Transco is in discussions with those farmers to learn more about their use of the property and will do all we can to minimize impacts on their operations. Farmers with questions about future use are encouraged to call us directly.