NYES in Clermont

For illustrative purposes only.

For illustrative purposes only.

The New York Energy Solution project will modernize electric transmission infrastructure within an existing utility corridor through 11 towns in New York’s Hudson Valley, including Clermont.

We will replace aging lattice structures with new monopoles and upgrade the transmission lines, alleviating congestion and allowing for a greater flow of renewable energy. The photos above provide a representation of the structure replacement that will take place in Clermont.

For details, please view our Clermont Fact Sheet.

If you have questions about our work in Clermont, please contact us at info@ny-es.com or toll-free at 1-855-433-3611.

Information may also be available at the Town of Clermont website.

View the NYES-Clermont Corridor in Google Maps

The map at the bottom of this page will allow you to search for your property in relation to the transmission line and see what’s planned in each area. You can also click on the new transmission structures to see their height. (Note: Clicking the map will take you off the NY-ES website and into Google Maps.)

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